SlidesJS Standard Code Example

Customer Initiated Transaction:

After the Cash-In from the nearest MYCash Agent Point Student will do following process

  1. Student will Dial *225#
  2. He Will insert his 4 digit PIN
  3. Student will find Menu
  4. He will select the MY Payment Menu
  5. From My Payment menu he will select the “MY Admission Fee Payment” Menu
  6. Student will Type Institute code: “IUT”  as capital letter
  7. Student will Type Purpose Code: “BSC” or “BBA” as capital letter
  8. Student will Enter his/her PIN number
  9. Student will Re-Enter his/her PIN number
  10.  Student will Type Mobile Number on next step where s/he wants receive SMS
  11.  Student will Type “1” when he finds the Confirmation Screen where s/he will match his/her given information either it is right or wrong
  12.  Finally Student will receive the successful SMS at his/her own Cell Phone